how to remove website from google search console

How to Remove Your Website from Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a free tool that allows webmasters to monitor their site’s performance in Google search results. It provides useful data about how Google crawls, indexes, and displays your web pages in search results. While most site owners find value in connecting Search Console to better optimize their site, there may be reasons you no longer want your website linked to a Google account.

In this guide, we’ll walk through the steps to fully disconnect and remove a website from Google’s Search Console in a few quick actions:

Why Remove a Site from Search Console

There’s generally no need to remove a properly set up site from Google Search Console under normal circumstances. However, some reasons you may want to delete a website include:

  • Rebranding: If your site name or domain changes significantly due to a rebrand, it’s best to remove the old site property and create a new one. This ensures clean data moving forward.
  • Ownership changes: If your website domain ownership changes hands, deleting it allows the new owner to add it to their account properly.
  • Stop tracking that site: Maybe you no longer actively update or optimize a certain website and want it fully removed from your account’s view.
  • Privacy: In some cases, site owners decide they want their pages entirely excluded from Google’s view and crawl ability. Removing from Search Console puts your control back fully on what Google can access.

While deindexing or blocking pages can adjust what Google shows for your site in results, only fully removing a website from the Search Console limits its access level completely across that property.

How to Remove a Site from Search Console

Follow the steps given below to delete your website as a registered property in Google Search Console.

  • Login at
  • Make sure you have selected the property you want to delete.
  • In the left sidebar click on “Settings”.
  • Under the About section, Click the “REMOVE PROPERTY” button on the far right of that row.
google search console remove website
  • Confirm the popup asking “Remove Property” by selecting “REMOVE PROPERTY”.
google search console remove property

This officially tells Google you no longer want that domain connected as a registered site with Search Console and begins the decoupling process.

You’ve Now Successfully Removed Your Site from Google Search Access Getting to this point means Google has been fully informed about removing that old website domain.

I hope this blog post is helpful for you. Feel free to ask any questions in the comment section below.

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