How to Create a Successful Blogging Schedule

How to Create a Successful Blogging Schedule

Establishing a regular blogging schedule is important for building a successful blog over time. Consistently publishing high-quality content will help you grow an engaged audience and position yourself as an authority in your niche. But finding the time to blog on a regular basis can be challenging. This guide will walk you through how to…

The Long Journey of Blogging: 35 Tips for Beginner Bloggers

The Long Journey of Blogging: 35 Tips for Beginner Bloggers

You finally did it – you registered your shiny new blog and are ready to start creating content. Congratulations, this is worth celebrating! However, with great platforms comes great responsibility. Blogging is rewarding but requires patience and diligence to grow. Before you publish your first post, let’s overview 50 tips to set you up for…

Aftermath of Google Helpful Content Update

Aftermath of Google Helpful Content Update

Hey fellow bloggers! If you’ve recently noticed a significant change in your website’s traffic, you’re not alone. Google rolled out a substantial helpful content update that has affected many niche websites, including some of the big players. I’ve personally experienced a 50% decline in traffic to my website, which was both shocking and disheartening. In…